Anti-spam solution for networks that have a mail server.

It acts as an email firewall and stops spam before it reaches your mail server!

Whatever your email environment, ChoiceMail Enterprise will make you 100% spam-free. It’s an email gateway that works with any mail server, including Exchange, Domino, GroupWise, Imail, SendMail, Netscape, etc.

ChoiceMail Small Business provides the same great protection for organizations that do not operate their own mail server.

Click here for information specific to Microsoft Exchange Mail Server

Click here for information specific to Novel GroupWise Mail Server

Click here for information specific to IMail Mail Server

Click here for information specific to Lotus Domino Mail Server

ChoiceMail Enterprise

An IT manager at one business with 45 email addresses estimates that he spends 20 to 25% of his time dealing with the 30,000 spam messages his company receives each month. He explained that if the problem continued to grow at the same rate, half of his business day would be spent working on this issue. There are a number of studies that estimate the magnitude of the problem for businesses. Gartner Inc. states that spam accounted for 30% of all business email at the beginning of the year and is currently over 50%, just a few months later. Ferris Research estimates spam cost to U.S. businesses at $8.9 Billion in 2002 and says it will be $10 Billion by the end of 2003. Nucleus Research, estimates that the economic cost is $874 a year for every office worker with an e-mail account. Considering that there are approximately 100 million people working in the U.S., the tab comes to about $87 billion. To address this problem, DigiPortal offers ChoiceMail Enterprise.

ChoiceMail Enterprise easily integrates with almost any enterprise email server environment: Exchange, Domino, GroupWise, Netscape Mail Server and others. No software is required on the email server or the user computers. All ChoiceMail One features/protection options are available for the whole enterprise.

ChoiceMail Awards and Reviews

Noah Coad's Code

"ChoiceMail 100% of Junk Email Gone"
CNet Rating